How To Install NDrive10
Step 1: Download NDrive software - credit to gpsunderground
For WinCE5.0 User
For WinCE6.0 User
Step 2: Download Latest Maps v2.18. Copy map into the maps folder
Step 3: To unlock maps, replace the following NDrive.exe
For WinCE5.0 User
For WinCE6.0 User
Step 4: To be able to configure the port and baudrate of gps, replace the NDrive.ini with this NDrive.ini
For lokatoo, select Com-7 for Comm. Port and 57600 for Baud Rate

Now you are ready to navigate

Click OK

You can also try to swith on the Adventure Mode

When you start to navigate, you can see a compass at the top left. Your map will move or swing whenever the compass move :) No direction given and you will solely depend to 1 single line to your destination. Try it

NOTE: DELETE any NDrive files from previous versions from the SD Card as it would result error in loading the map - incompatble image file