PolNav 6026 come with junction view & 3D
How to Install
Download Program. Copy and paste it in the SD Card / Internal Disk
Edit your navigation script to add command i.e. install in SD Card
x = 413
y = 150
Command = \SDMMC\PolNav6\Navigator.exe
SizeNormal = 63
SizePushed = 52
ScaleAlpha = 100
IconNormal = ..\Icons\PolNav.ico
ScaleAlpha = 100
IconPushed = ..\Icons\PolNav.ico
If install in internal disk, just change the "SDMMC" to "
Icon for launchpad
Don't panic...just click "OK"
Loading PolNav
Now you can navigate :)
Menu to search for destination

This is the best part, ada search by GPS tag photo...sama macam PowerMap Z9, mesti cuba ni..
Copy GPS tag photo i.e Hospital Putrajaya dalam folder Photo, click "Hospital Putrajaya"
Click "OK"
Click "Go To"...to navigate